Comment by a concerned citizen who is a member of the Colombo Swimming Club, divulging staggering events surrounding the club.
Dear fellow members,
I am addressing this to you as a long standing member of our club which is now unnecessarily being dragged into political confrontation to the detriment of our clubs standing. A highly respected professional asked me why the Swimming Club is involved in sabotaging the attempts to stabilise the economy carrying on a hate campaign against the PM including surrounding his private residence when the IMF Delegation was here as well as funding the protestors outside Temple Trees. This had been talked of at a diplomatic function. I immediately denied this but made inquiries and found that our President Kishan Karunaratne has been engaging in all these acts and that the youth in the protests opposite Temple Trees are under the impression that our club is backing them to the extent of discussing whether they could request using our toilet facilities. He has been providing them with meals while coming out of our premises and checking on them.
It was Kishan who first posted a message calling for people to surround the PMs private residence and was a key figure there along with a number of pastors of his Born Again Church.He was with Hirunika as well outside PMs house.His social media pages are filled with attacks on the PM in the most degrading manner calling him names. One post says that after Ranil there are gas queues and petrol queues. We have been told that gas will be available from the 6th. We also know that power cuts were reduced from 13 hours to 3 fertiliser is sorted out and if gas arrives it is the petrol that has to be done. All leaders say they need from 6 months to 5 years to sort out the problems caused by the Rajapakses and we have to wait for results. Karunaratne is an economist by profession and should know that this level of bankruptcy cannot be sorted in two months.
Every citizen is entitled to his opinion and political activism as is Kishan. But when they give leadership to any organisation they are bound to safeguard the organisation and ensure that they do not act in anyway that disgraces the institution. If Kishan wishes to dally with Hirunika or any other to topple governments he is free to do so but must not sully the good name of the club. One cannot wear two hats if one comprises the other and Kishan will have to choose.
We must remember that governments have nationalised clubs. Had this been done against him and Mahinda been in power our club would have been targeted for revenge. At a time when gangs are indulging in looting and arson we could easily be attacked by those opposed to Kishan’s actions. And there are no excuses for Kishan’s actions are those of a thug and he is inciting hatred and violence by publishing lies and half truths.
Our members are chosen after much scrutiny and entry is only for the best. As leaders in business and professions we must lead by example to stabilise the nation and not lead it to anarchy like uneducated youth.We pay high fees for membership to be exclusive and keep our status. Must then we be led by a thug and liar who has tarnished the club reputation by his actions.
I would therefore suggest that Kishan Karunaratne resigns and continue his vendtta from outside and a new President who can restore the dignity of the club and its membership be elected. If however he persists on damaging the club further we the membership would have to take appropriate action.
Public interest