Colombo (LNW): Tikiri K. Jayathilaka who served as the Assistant Secretary General of Parliament has been appointed as the Chief of Staff and Deputy Secretary General of Parliament with effect from May 23, announced Deputy Speaker Ajith Rajapaksa yesterday (24).
Jayathilaka, who started his professional career by joining the Attorney General’s Department in 2002, has handled cases in many magistrate courts and high courts as a State Counsel. He joined the judiciary in 2006 and served as a Magistrate and Additional District Judge and served in various courts around the country.
Jayathilaka earned his L.L. B from the University of Colombo. He received his LL.M from the Northumbria University. He has also published a book on Community based Corrections.
In 2015, Jayathilaka, joined the Parliament of Sri Lanka as the Assistant Secretary General (Legislative Services.)