- Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa calls on private lenders & super-rich to bear their share of the burden in domestic debt optimization: criticizes the Govt’s approach as disastrous: accuses the Govt for sparing these affluent groups from the debt restructuring burden, leaving it solely on the working class.
- Airport and Aviation Services says restrictions on imported items and the high cost have decreased cargo movement at airports by 15% in the first 8 months of 2023.
- Acute shortage felt in the case of Consultant Anaesthetists for surgical operations and other procedures in state sector hospitals.
- International Trade Office Chief Negotiator K J Weerasinghe admits SL is yet to set dates for its next round of trade talks with China and India: China and India accounted for about USD 9bn each in bilateral trade in 2022.
- Fishermen in Rameswaram, India go on a strike & demand the release of 8 Rameswaram fishers arrested by SL authorities: around 800 fishing vessels remain moored at the jetty: previously, the SL Navy had detained 17 fishermen from Rameswaram & Pudukkottai for poaching in the SL waters.
- Researchers raise concerns about the practicality of the Cabinet approved Beira Lake nano-technology neutralisation project: as per the Cabinet decision, the move is meant to improve the quality of water in the Beira Lake using micro nano-bubble & carbon fibre biofilm technology, and environment-friendly enzymes.
- Colombo’s Lotus Tower celebrates 1 year with a total of 120,174 local & 200,223 foreign visitors: Head of Management Prasad Samarasinghe says the revenue earned through the visitors was more than Rs.550mn and that Rs.100mn has been paid to the TRC as the initial lease payment.
- SLPP rebel MP Dr Nalaka Godahewa exposes the harsh realities of economic challenges in 2023: says it’s abundantly clear that the aspiration of building a thriving export-oriented economy under the current Govt is nothing but a pipe dream.
- Cooperative Wholesale Establishment (Sathosa) to send home all it’s employees totalling about 300 on compulsory retirement from 30Sept’23 as part of its restructuring programme: action based on a Cabinet decision.
- Asia Cricket Cup Final today between India and Sri Lanka: analysts say Sri Lanka possesses the ability to defeat India, because they very nearly did so last week.