World (LNW): Claudia Goldin, an American economic historian known for her pioneering work on wage inequality between genders, has been awarded the 2023 Nobel Economics Prize.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences recognised Goldin’s groundbreaking research on the history of women’s earnings and participation in the workforce.
Her influential book, “Understanding The Gender Gap: An Economic History Of American Women” (1990), explored the origins of wage disparity.

Goldin also conducted research on various societal indicators, such as the effect of contraceptives on women’s career choices and the significance of women’s surname choices post-marriage.
A notable figure, she was the first woman to receive tenure in Harvard’s economics department and is the third female recipient of the Nobel economics prize.
The economic prize committee emphasised the profound societal impact of her findings, highlighting the clarity it brings to addressing gender-based issues in the workforce.