Thursday, June 27, 2024

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Blood from NBTS linked to substandard immunoglobulin production?

Colombo (LNW): The blood used for manufacturing substandard human intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) vials may have been sourced from the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS), alleged the Academy of Health Professionals.

In a staggering revelation made yesterday (04), Union President Ravi Kumesh quoting the company owner claimed that the specific blood in question had been acquired under the guise of academic research.

Accordingly, state patronage has been granted to the scandal, he pointed out, adding that the affair has been carried out with the approval of the Health Secretary’s Office.

Contributing to the dialogue, President of the Medical and Civil Rights Professional Association (MCPA) Dr. Chamal Sanjeewa said there is a troubling delay in investigating the fraudulent IVIG vial production.

Meanwhile, MP Rajitha Senaratne expressed his commitment to supporting the current Health Minister in investigating the alleged fraud and corruption that may have occurred within the Ministry of Health during the past period.

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