February 19, Colombo (LNW): Tamil Nadu Police announced on Sunday the arrest of three individuals from Nagapattinam district, seizing over 364 kg of ganja intended for smuggling to Sri Lanka, New Delhi-based IANS reported.
The arrested individuals were identified as K. Sathiyaseelan (37) from Velankanni, M. Mahendran (38) from Naluvedhapathi, and T. Sugumar (29) from Pushpavanam.
The suspects were apprehended while planning to transport the ganja to Sri Lanka via the sea route, utilising the seized fiberglass boat, according to Nagapattinam Superintendent of Police, Harsh Singh.
A case has been filed against the accused under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act by the Vettaikaraniruppu Police.