Renowned High Court Judge Manikkavasagam Ilanchelian, known for his courageous and impactful judgments in numerous high-profile cases, is approaching his mandatory retirement age of 60 on January 20, 2025.
High Court judges in Sri Lanka must retire at 60, but those promoted to the Court of Appeal can continue serving until 63. For Ilanchelian, the window of opportunity for his promotion closes on Friday, January 17—the last day he will be eligible for appointment as an appellate court judge.
However, procedural constraints have raised concerns. President Anura Kumara Dissanayake, currently on an official visit to China, is expected to return only on January 17. The President must issue a recommendation to the Constitutional Council for Ilanchelian’s promotion. The council, in turn, must convene and approve the recommendation before the deadline. With only 72 hours remaining, the situation has created uncertainty over whether the promotion process can be completed in time.
Manikkavasagam Ilanchelian is widely respected for his fearless and impartial decisions, including judgments in several controversial cases such as murder trials. His potential elevation to the Court of Appeal would ensure the judiciary continues to benefit from his expertise and integrity.
The question now remains whether the necessary administrative steps will be expedited or whether the judiciary will lose the invaluable service of Judge Ilanchelian due to procedural delays.