Monday, October 21, 2024

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My 3rd Open letter to Gotabaya: S. V. Kirubaharan

My 3rd Open letter to Gotabaya: My research, analysis and predictions have never failed! 

S. V. Kirubaharan, France 

“Everything happens for a reason. 

But sometimes the reason is that you’re stupid and you make bad decisions”.     – Alyssa Rodriguez 

Aiybovan Gotabaya   

I’m sure some of my friends and colleagues will not be happy that I say ‘aiybovan’ to you. They may wonder why I can’t say either ‘Vanakkam’ or ‘Salam Aleykoum’ or even Hi / Buddy because you were/are an American. 

When the whole world says that American Vice President Kamala Harris is the first female African American / Asian American vice president, they all forget about you being unprecedented too. It is an undeniable fact that you are the first male American to be the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka! 

By the way, it’s sad that your Cabinet cannot work at your speed. Since you became the President, you have appointed many liars, dishonest men and hooligans to various ministries. But, today many are grumbling that you are running their ministries. It is strongly believed that this is one of the reasons for you sacking some ministers. 

In Tamil, there is a proverb, “வளர்த்த கடா மார்பில் பாய்வதாக”. English translation – “Fostered rams are attacking the owner’s chest” Now your family is harvesting what you all have sown. We already knew that this would happen. However, now the whole world knows how you all were using some individuals, intellectuals, academics, politicians, and others for the glorification of your family.  

Ministers and ex-ministers – Basil Rajapaksa, Rambukkaala, Wimal Weerawansa, Johnston Fernando, Sarath Weeraseka – SW, Douglas Devananda and a few others should be offered PhDs in ‘telling lies’. Your relation Sarath Weerasekara, known as minister of public security is doing well in ‘Public Savaging’. We were told that he is the only Minister who is in frequent contact with you. Is this because of your family relationship or because Public Savaging is done under your guidance? SW is a real fun factory.  

Rambukkaala, who was recently offered an MBBS from your Gota University, regrets having been removed from the post of spokesperson. But he doesn’t show his dislike because he feels that you may sack him as well. 

Prof Peiris 

The clown of your cabinet is Prof Peiris – PP. After his visit to Geneva, it seems that he is suffering from Alzheimer’s. His speech in the 49th session was to please you, your family members and the people in the South, but no substantial information was given to the international community. His ridiculous remarks and attacks on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – Mme Michel Bachelet was counter-productive for Sri Lanka. In fact, he tried to show you that he can do a better job than Dinesh Gunawardena – it makes good drama but earns insults for Sri Lanka. 

Internationally, he and the late Mangala Samaraweera have lost their reputation and credibility. The international community is well aware of PP’s senseless statements during the peace talks in 2000s from Thailand to Japan, Norway and USA.  

When he says that in the 49th session of the UN HRC, 31 states were in support of Sri Lanka; this proves that he is fooling himself. What a liar for the sake of survival!  Does this mean that he doesn’t know how to count? Even if we take it for granted that 31 states supported Sri Lanka – compared to 193 member states, it is not even one fifth of the UN member states. His lies will be proved in the forthcoming 51st session in September – let’s wait and see! 

One country and Gota law 

Now let me deal with some important affairs. Does your slogan ‘one country one law / Gota law’ make any logic to outsiders? Your advisors have forgotten that usually one country can have two or many nations. When it comes to law, it is no surprise that presently there is only one law – ‘Gota’s dictatorial Law’.    

Otherwise how come all those murderers who face death sentences, life imprisonment and others, can be released by you? It proves that you were behind all those killings including the Easter bombings? I wrote about this in my article on 07 July 2019. Cardinal Malcolm Ranjit and others have realised this fact lately. 

Now, the way things are moving since you became the President proves that it was you who was behind the operation of Bodu Bala Sena – BBS (Sinhalese Buddhist extreme nationalist organisation) which was established in 2012. 

Hello Buddy, right or wrong you were in America for many years. During that period you learned neither politics nor diplomacy. I don’t think any sensible Tamil politician or political party will come for a talk with you without third party mediation. After all, you insist that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country, one country one (Gota) law etc.  

It is obvious that there are many ‘black-sheep’ among the Tamil politicians, political parties and also among diaspora. The Southern politicians and political parties are making use of them by black mailing. The world will never forget how in the past you all cheated the people of the North and East! 

There is no point in talking to you or your gang of crooks about the history of the island.  You proudly claim that you became the President with only the Sinhalese vote. Well and good. But, it’s shameful that now the same people are demonstrating against you. You have plunged them into great, serious, economic crises and you are starving them. 

Are you a war hero? 

It’s a shame that now Sri Lanka has moved towards a Monarchy system like in Middle Eastern countries. The difference is that you had elections like Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe who was in power for 37 years. Only under the Monarchy system can the whole family hold high profile positions and grab the wealth of the country. The worst family appointment was the Minister of Finance. This post was held in the past by the World top economist N.M.Perera.  Unfortunately now this ministerial position is in the hands of a person who had no proper education either in economics or via experience in the financial sector. Obviously the country will be in crisis. 

Do you think that the world can’t understand your motive in filling all top positions with military personnel? It is an obvious preparation for life-time Rajapaksa Monarchism. This is one of the reasons why even with the worst economic crisis, not a single country is ready to help your family’s regime. 

I feel sorry for those people who trusted your bogus claim that you were one of the ‘war heroes’ and voted for you. Regarding this matter, I have written many articles in the past. None of you, including Sarath Fonseka are ‘war heroes’. You all are really fooling the people in the South. 

You ask your brother, Mahinda Rajapaksa, how many bogus promises he gave to the international community and India to win the war against the LTTE?  

During the war, I personally witnessed in Geneva how Mohan Perris was dealing with the North Korean Ambassador to get their help for the war effort against the LTTE – Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. Since then North Korea got involved in the war. Now, eventually, some realise about the North Korean involvement in the war. 

Hello Buddy, do you know that this was the only war on earth, where all enemy countries united and got involved. The US doesn’t agree with North Korea and China. India doesn’t agree with Pakistan and China. During the Eelam war, all these countries were involved and fought the battle against the LTTE.  

We knew very well that there were hundreds of Indian soldiers who sacrificed their lives to win the battle in Madhu in Mannar. This was possible because Indian Congress and Sonia Gandhi wanted to take revenge on Eelam Tamils.  

Sonia Gandhi and LTTE 

In fact, the government of Sri Lanka is smart enough in cheating Sonia Gandhi and their family members. In July 1987, a Sri Lanka Navy soldier tried to kill Rajiv Gandhi in Colombo, in the presence of Sonia Gandhi and many other Indian diplomats – also Sri Lankan President J.R.Jeyawardena was a witness at the scene. The Navy Sailor, who made the attempt to kill Rajiv Gandhi, said in interviews that he attacked Rajiv Gandhi to kill him. This Navy soldier is still living peacefully in Colombo, whereas the LTTE was wiped out by Sonia Gandhi and her government because of alleged accusations – I mean without any irrefutable evidence. 

If the international community hadn’t come to rescue you all, today Tamils would have been celebrating their twelfth anniversary of independence. If so, today your economic crisis would have been sorted out by your good neighbours, the people of Tamil Eelam. 

Hello Buddy, I presume that presently you are enjoying executive powers with a two third majority in parliament. If you are a real Buddhist and honest to your heart, you should have come forward to settle the ethnic conflict and respect the aspirations of the Tamils in the North and East. Also, before you carry on with forceful and uncivilised Sinhala settlement in North and East, you should re-settle the Tamils who lived for hundreds of years in many parts in the South, including in Kartaragama and its surroundings. Hope you will never forget that Kartaragama and its surrounding were developed by the Tamils when it was a thick forest area. 

Below I quote a paragraph from my article, ‘Kataragama To KKS’ (South To North) published in the Sunday Leader of 24 October 2010. 

“Since winning the war, the Rajapaksas and their people say we are all Sri Lankan and that there is no place for a specific community or ethnic-group. Everyone has the right to settle anywhere of their choice. If this is genuine, why can’t the Tamils be resettled back in Kataragama, up-country, Anuradhapura, Trincomalee and Ampara, Batticaloa and elsewhere where Tamils were living years back?” (Excerpts) 

Good luck……. 

In 1956 when SWRD Bandaranaike introduced the Sinhala only act, he never thought there would be thirty years of armed struggle in the North and East. When J.R.Jeyawardena sent Brigadier T.I. Weeratunga in 1979 to Jaffna to suppress then militancy he never thought that Tamils would have a de-facto government covering 70-80per cent of the North and East. If your thinking also goes in the same manner as these short-sighted leaders – I wish you good luck in your endeavours…..! 

Have you ever heard of the Iranian revolution that took place 1978/79? I personally witnessed this revolution. The guns, artillery and tanks were nothing in front of the people’s will and power.  However, my best advice to the Rajapaksa family is to keep a jumbo jet on stand-by at the Airport for your family members to escape before the masses capture the government. 

If you and your gang strongly think that the Tamils from the North and East are from India and they should get back to India – I’m sure that they will be happy to do so, on a condition that they will go with the land where they have lived for thousands of years. In other words, they will be happy to become another State of India. 

Very recently, ex-Chief Minister of the Northern province Mr. C.V.Vigneswaran asked a reasonable question from you and others from the South – that if Prabhakaran was a terrorist, what about Keppetipola Dissawe who fought against the British? The same question we ask you, what is the difference between the JVP members who fought violently to capture the whole of Sri Lanka and the LTTE cadres who have been in jail for years? 

Jaffna public library! 

The JVP killed many Sinhala political leaders, intellectuals, academics, professionals, security personnel and many others in 88/89. In such a scenario, how can any politician in the South say that JVP members have clean hands? 

If you wish to know the real history of the island, please do turn the pages of what your ancestors have studied in their history books. Now you all are teaching manipulated history to the people in the South. In other words, you are feeding venom to the Sinhala people. Is this what Lord Buddha’s preaching has taught you all? To know the real history, do ask your advisors to read about “Lemuria, Kumari Kandam”, etc.  

Do you or any others have any reasonable explanation for why the Jaffna public library was burnt into ashes by Sri Lankan security forces while supervised by then two important ministers? Many are not aware that the Jaffna public library had housed all the historical documents to prove that the Tamils were the original inhabitants of this island long before Buddhism or the Sinhala language found a place in the island. This was the reason why the Jaffna library was burnt down by the then government of Sri Lanka. 

Parliamentary ‘dress code’ 

Hello Buddy, presently the country is in a real economic crisis. If you are a real patriot, this is the best time for you to encourage your family members to bring the stolen wealth and assets of Sri Lanka into the country. According to a friend of mine who is an Economist, your family wealth and assets in foreign countries are more than enough for the survival of Sri Lanka for at least two to three months. 

By the way, if there is a ‘dress code’ for the Sri Lankan parliament, I believe that it is seriously violated by Rajapaksa’s family by wearing a red shawl in the parliament.  If that can be accepted by the Speaker and the parliament, then I recommend the Tamil parliamentarians to wear black shawls and suit during the parliament sessions or at least during important events like remembrance of Mullivaizhal, etc. This can be done even by the opposition members of parliament too. 

I was told by a Singhalese journalist that Rajapaksa’s family strongly believe in, and practice the caste system. People like Sarath Fonseka, Sajitha Premada and many others are victims of caste discrimination by Rajapaksa’s family. What a shame, especially in the 21st century. 

There are academics in Sri Lanka who naively encouraged you and your family’s atrocities in the past and were late in understanding the true image of you all. People like Dayan Jayantileke, Radhika Coomaraway, Prof Wijesinghe and a few others have never had any long vision of Sri Lanka. We feel sorry for them. (End) 

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