‘Parents can’t afford meat, eggs and milk’: children bear the brunt of Sri Lanka’s economic crisis
Nelumyaya CSR: ‘Suwethi Daruwan’ Third Phase
Nelum Yaya CSR: Child nutrition program commenced
‘Writers all want to be rock stars’: Booker winner Shehan Karunatilaka on ghosts, war and childish dreams
Child with Empty Lunchbox: Malnutrition triggered by Economic Crisis
Booker Prize 2022 winner: Shehan Karunatilaka’s ‘The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida’ haunted me for weeks
Former British junior Tanysha Dissanayake, who played against Emma Raducanu, retires aged 21 due to long Covid
Shehan Karunatilaka interview: ‘Sri Lankans specialise in gallows humour. It’s our coping mechanism’
How operationally bankrupt Central Bank murders Sri Lankan economy in the ICU? We need to stop it.